NonOilen helped our Fillamentum partners win the Material Company of the Year award in the global 3D Printing Industry Awards 2021 competition. The Czech company held its own against the industrial giants such as 3M, BASF, or Henkel.
At the end of 2021, a record number of 140,000 voters took part in the largest survey in the field of additive manufacturing. “We were impressed by the phenomenal response we got this year,” said Michael Petch, editor-in-chief of the respected 3D Printing Industry Awards online magazine.

Biodegradable filament for 3D printers
Spoločnosť Fillamentum z moravského Hulína je naším dlhodobým partnerom a najväčším odberateľom materiálu NonOilen. Patrí medzi popredných dodávateľov 3D tlačových strún. Zákazníkov má vo viac než šesťdesiatich krajinách po celom svete.
Fillamentum uses NonOilen as the first fully recyclable and biodegradable 3D printer filament. “In the competition, we had the opportunity to meet the best in the field. The win is a great honor for us and a recognition of our work in the global, fast-growing 3D printing market,” said Josef Doleček, the company’s founder and co-owner. “Thanks to NonOilen, we can achieve sustainable development in this area, which is undoubtedly a key milestone,” he added.

In Germany, NonOilen is the first choice
The award-winning filament can withstand up to 110 degrees Celsius, so it is more durable than a classic plastic filament. It can come into direct contact with food. “An item you print out of NonOilen can be added directly into a compost pile (which, however, must be controlled and regulated – NonOilen manufacturer),” said Josef Doleček to “We are convinced that this is a revolutionary thing,” added the co-owner of our partner company.
Fillamentum introduced the NonOilen 3D printer filament in March 2021. It is used mainly in industry, especially where the emphasis is on sustainable manufacturing methods. “In Germany, for example, NonOilen is the first choice,” stressed Josef Doleček. “We also received positive feedback from South Korea, Japan, and Singapore,” he added.
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